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What exactly are tourism circuits and how do they operate?

A tourism circuit is a path that connects at least three notable places that are not all located in the same town, city, or village. These venues should not be too far apart, and entry and exit points should be clearly marked.

In theory, you can visit attractions in different regions, but even if you stick to one circuit, you will have a fantastic safari. Kenya’s tourism circuits are diverse.

  • Kenya’s Central Region
  • The coast Region
  • Nairobi’s environs
  • Eastern part of the country
  • The North Rift Region
  • the South Rift Region
  • The Southern Region
  • The Western Region


  1. Central Region

Kenya’s central safari circuit is an ultimate safari circuit with several good tourism spots in the central portion of the country. The central safari circuit is the safari circuit to embark on while on a safari in Kenya for nature lovers, scenic addicts, and those looking for beautiful images. The Central Kenya safari circuit includes Mount Kenya national park, Mount Longonot national park, and Aberdare national park. The circuit’s features include hiking, kayaking, and mountain climbing, all of which are exciting and adventurous to participate in.

The tourism sites and national parks in the central Kenya safari circuit are listed below.

  • Mt Kenya National Park
  • Mt Longonot National Park
  • The Aberdare National Park


  1. The Coastline Region

Kenya’s Coastline Circuit offers luxurious safaris around the country, including dazzling, instructive, and historical excursions of marine parks, magnificent beaches, reserves, and historical sites. Marine parks and reserves such as Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve, Kisite Mpunguti National Park, Malindi Marine Park, Mombasa Marine National Park, Shimba Hills National Reserve, Tana River Primate Reserve, Watamu Marine Park and historical sites such as Vasco da Gama Pillar, Gede Ruins, Hell’s Kitchen, and Malindi Museum.

The coastline circuit includes a number of tourist spots.

  • Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve
  • Kisite Mpunguti NP
  • Malindi Marine National Park
  • Watamu Marine National Park
  • Tana River Primate Reserve


  1. Nairobi Region

The Nairobi circuit consists of a tour of the city’s tourist attractions and landmarks. Nairobi is not only Kenya’s capital and one of the most developed cities in the country, but it is also a popular tourism destination. The Giraffe Centre, Nairobi National Park, Nairobi Safari Walk, and National Museums of Kenya, including the Karen Blixen Museum, Kitengela Glass, and David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, offer visitors both safari and city life through a variety of remarkable and stunning attractions and sites. You can stop by trading areas like the Masai market, which is famed for its large spectacular carvings and beadwork and is located in different districts of Nairobi, while on a safari in Nairobi.

Other Tourist Spots are:

  • Kazuri bead factory
  • A visit to Kibera slums
  • A visit to the august bomb last memorial park
  • Nairobi City Walk
  • Ngong Hills
  • KICC
  • Karura Nature Trails


  1. Eastern Region

On the Eastern side, the Eastern circuit joins the arid county of Samburu with the slopes of Mount Kenya. Attractions to see along the banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River in Samburu, which is the area’s only permanent source of water. Samburu National Reserve, Shaba National Reserve, and Buffalo Springs are all worth seeing. Meru National Park, Mwea National Reserve, Ol Donyo Sabuk National Park, Mwingi National Reserve, and Kora International Reserve are among the other attractions on this circuit. There are beautiful scenery, thousands of species, and historical sites like Elsa the Lioness’ residence in Meru National Park.


  1. The North Rift Region

This route runs from Laikipia to Marsabit and Turkana, passing through the northern frontier villages. In Laikipia, you can visit the Ol Pejeta Wildlife Conservancy, which is East Africa’s largest black rhino sanctuary.

The North Rift circuit also includes the Chalbi Desert, Sibiloi National Park, Nasolot National Reserve, and South Turkana National Reserve. The lakes on this circuit are Lake Baringo, Lake Bogoria, and Lake Turkana.

Lakes in North Lift Region

  • Lake Bogoria
  • Lake Turkana
  • Lake Baringo


  1. The South Rift Region

The South Rift Circuit is Kenya’s most popular south rift circuit; it is located in the Great Rift Valley and comprises the country’s top ranked nicest places. The South Rift Circuit is a lovely place with a wide animal population and natural physical features, making it excellent for nature lovers, wildlife safaris, and photography. Hot air ballooning, sundowners, bush dinners, bush breakfasts, guided nature walks, birding safaris, and camping are among the highlights of the circuit, which also includes national parks like as Hell’s Gate, Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara National Reserve, and the Mara Triangle.

There are various tourist attractions/activities and national parks on the South Rift Circuit.

  • Masai Mara National Park
  • Mara Triangle
  • Hell’s gate National Park
  • Lake Nakuru National Park
  • Masai Village
  • A night at the masai Manyatta


  1. Southern Region

The majority of Kenya’s popular and massive national parks are found in the southern circuit, including Tsavo National Park, Africa’s largest protected region. The southern circuit is the best circuit to embark on a safari if you want stunning views and wildlife. Tsavo National Park (Tsavo east and Tsavo west) with features including Mzima Springs and Shetani Lava Flow, and Amboseli National Park, which is famed for its big elephant population and the backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro. Other southern circuit national parks include Chyulu Hills National Park, which offers animal viewing, guided nature hikes, fly camping, and birding safaris.


  1. Western Region

Despite not attracting as many visitors as other circuits, this region is equally important to the country’s tourism industry. Its tourist attractions aren’t overloaded or polluted. Lake Victoria is the most important lake along this route. Among the sites to visit are Kakamega Forest National Reserve, Kisumu Impala Sanctuary, Ndere Island National Park, Ruma National Park, and Saiwa Swamp National Park.


You now have a better idea of what to expect in each region of the country. Make your decision and embark on a fascinating journey.


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